@krzysztofziajor Sorry we don't understand your need well. Everything is done in a special place or under a certain circumstance, and that PLACE or CIRCUMSTANCE is called Context in our app. So you can add tasks with certain contexts and view the tasks with the same context together. We don't have reminders for tasks by System default now.
My proposition for that:
- User can set localization and proximity to task
- User can set localization and proximity to context
- If user set context in task that already have localization set then he only have to set reminder without setting localization (maybe automatically set localization copying it from context but with possibility to change it by hand)
Alerts should appear only for task from Inbox, Today, Next and maybe Scheduled (+ 3-7 days from now). They shouldn't appear for task from Someday list.
05/19/2016 14:13#1
05/21/2016 22:06#2
@Linjiani you are misunderstanding the request. The user is asking that each context have GPS coordinates attached. When the app detects that you are in the GPS location associated with a context, it will send you a reminder. So reminders could be triggered by GPS locations that associated with your contexts.
This feature request is similar to this: http://mashable.com/2015/04/06/iphone-location-based-reminders/ -
05/24/2016 13:41#4
@colinmarshall Hi there, sorry we do not have the development plan of GPS location function at this moment.
05/24/2016 15:34#5
@Linjiani I wasn't the one who requested it, @krzysztofziajor requested it. I was just explaining to you what @krzysztofziajor wanted because you misunderstood him.
05/25/2016 02:21#6
@colinmarshall I understand. Thanks for your reminding. ^_^