I've added a lot of tasks to my Doit Mac client inbox while offline. Now that I am back online, I noticed that the changes are not being synced to the server, and therefore not to my other devices.

2 images attached as examples:
Snip20160709_55.png is from Mac client showing all tasks in inbox.
Snip20160709_54.png is from web client, but iphone / ipad shows same results.
- there are only 2 tasks in web client inbox:
> top one was added to Mac client while ONline
> bottom one was edited in Mac client, synced again, then web version refreshed. that task then appeared in web client.

So I can use the edit / resync as a workaround, however I am concerned in case there are tasks that I did not add to just my inbox. I feel this should be investigated quite urgently, as it is a major flaw in any synchronising application (especially a paid one) if new items added offline are not added to the server when sync occurs.