Hi again Doit.im people,
In the iOS app, I can change priority of a task easily by
1. tapping the item
2. tapping the flag
3. tapping back to < Today
On the web, it's a bit more cumbersome - lots of clicks.
1. click the task to see detail
2. click the Edit button to get to edit mode (I'm not sure why there's a separate edit mode to viewing the task, in the iOS app they're the same - could it be possible to just edit on that task page?)
3. click the the flag to activate the drop down menu
4. click to choose
5. click Save to get out of edit mode, but you're still on the single task view
6. click Back
So I wonder if it would be easier to have edits to the task possible in the main task window, instead of clicking Edit again.
And if clicking the flag to cycle through the priorities is easier than choosing from drop-down.
Also, in the Today view, it would be great to be able to drag from one priority group to another e.g. dragging a task in the Medium group up to the High group to change its priority. It's possible to drag to change context / project / time, but not priority.
Thanks again. I find Doit.im very useful.
Hi, you can use hot keys "P" to change priority of a task easily in the web version . More More info: http://faq.doitim.com/web.html#181