Could you please describe the steps you did in detail? And if convenience, please give us some screenshots that relate to this issue.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
i'd like it to repeat for only 3 days, but the repeat until option wont let me select a date earlier than february 2015....
06/22/2013 02:05#1
06/24/2013 05:16#3
screenshots will be a bit of a problem.
the task has been created using quick create from the web version,
once created, i open the task and expand the reminders and repeats section, and as i described above, the calendar in the "repeat until" section start out on february 2015, with the back arrows greyed out.
Manually entering a date works fine -
06/24/2013 10:26#6
Could you please tell me the browser you are using now? And before you added repeats to the task, what was its start time and the deadline? If convenient, could you please let me know the title of the task?
By the way, did it happen every time?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
06/24/2013 10:55#7
Happens in chrome and Firefox, seems to happen for any task created with the quick add function regardless of title, start date of the last one was February 26th
06/25/2013 02:17#10
We feel so sorry. Could you please give us a screenshot of the task edit window? If you don't want us to see your task tile and description, you may take a screenshot without title and description just as I did in the attachment.
07/04/2013 02:47#11
We feel so sorry that we have to close this ticket for you haven't updated it for a long time. :( If you have any more questions about it or any new feedback on Doit.im, please start a new one.
Thank you for your support.