Hi all,

For the beta test of Doit.im V5.0 for iPhone, those who sent us the request to join the test and their Apple IDs have all received TestFlight’s test invitation email.

If there are still any more Pro members who would like to join the test, just email us your Apple ID for application.

Suggested format:
[Subject] Apply to join beta test of Doit.im V5.0 for iPhone
[Content] My Apple ID: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.com

Note: This is for iPhone version. We’ll release the beta test version for Android soon.

Thank you all!

Update on Jan 21, 2017:
Doit.im V5.0 for iPhone will be released soon publicly, so beta test application is no longer available from now on.
Thank you very much for all your help!

Latest Update:
Doit.im V5.0 for iPhone has been released publicly in App store, please go download it.