Thank you for your suggestion!
A split between work and private may seem good as a division. But the key of Getting Things Done is, after we've emptied our head by throwing all into a trusted system and processed them and organized them and have a review ( which is called a Daily Plan in at the beginning of each day, what we have to do is just focus on doing Today's task. If we divide them into work and private, then we may have to check both lists so that we may not that focused.
I think it would be better if you just use a context 'Home' or 'Private', but the tasks can still be shown in Today (or other lists) in the same workspace. You may fold them if you don't want others to see.
If you still think that couldnot cover your need. Could you please tell me your scenarios so that we can help better?
Look forward to your reply.
Have a nice day!
I bought a year suscription to
I have been using it now for a while, but a really miss the area split betweenwork and private. Almost every other GTD app has that. Also huge amount of people are asking for it.
Any chance it is coming soon?
I think it is kind of a bleeder :)
01/10/2017 02:47#1
01/20/2017 15:06#2
I agree with this in theory but in practice, it's really not that simple. I would also like to see different areas like Nirvana HQ or Omnifocus. That is really one of the big things that is keeping me off of the platform anymore. On the weekend or days off of work, I would like to do my daily review of just personal items. During the week, I'm happy to look at all of them. It's also possible to view all areas at once but sometimes I need to focus a little more tightly in one area or the other. If I have to sift through 100 work projects to figure out my personal tasks, it gets overwhelming.
01/21/2017 10:54#3
Thank you for your explanation!
Have you tried 'Filter', in which you may filter tasks by different conditions and save it to see all the personal tasks which you may review in weekends? You can add a Filter in Web version by advanced search and view it on all platforms.
01/22/2017 21:13#4
@Kassy Thx for tour reply. It just that if you could have work/private the overview is much better.
I dont want My work stuff between My private stuff. Been using Nirvana and they have it.
Still I paid year subscription with you guys which a regret a little now because of missing of this feature.
Rest is really good. Hope to hear that you are implementing it soon :) -
01/23/2017 19:30#5
@bramds Thank you very much for your continuing support!
I've put your need into our need pool, from which we'll go over each piece before making a new iteration plan.
But there are still lots of needs that cannot be achieved with current features and are also of importance, so we might put these first.
For the present, I recommend you use the combination of projects, contexts and tags, or also with goals to meet your needs.
For example, you may add a filter as below on web version at and check it on phones or desktop:
You may add contexts 'Home', 'Shopping mall', 'Travel', 'with Yulia' as your personal contexts, and also you put personal things in some projects, then you search in Advance mode, choose "Context" = 'Home', 'Shopping mall', 'Travel', 'with Yulia', Group by "Project", then save the results as a new filter named, say, "Personal Things". Thus you'll see the filter "Personal Things" in your Filter list, with the tasks presented clearly. If you have too many things here, you may also apply tags, which makes tasks specified more detailedly.
Hope my example can help you!
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day! -
01/26/2017 13:54#6
@Kassy Thanks again, sorry for pushing :) but if you start using this filter, I tried, the whole concept and value of a nice overview with Next, Waiting, Scheduled, etc goes away. It just becomes an overview of projects and tasks. And that is exactly what we don't want.
01/29/2017 16:59#7
Thank you for your opinion! We're sure that way works. But we're open to listen to more feedbacks to see if anyone would have any better ideas.