Thank you very much for your request!
We had an extension that could just forward Gmail mails into Inbox. But it's not been updated yet so it's now not available. We'll arrange it into our plan in our next development plan discussion.
For the present, if you use Mac desktop version, you may use extension by selecting the mail content, or any document or web page content, and right-click your mouse to see "Add the task ... in", click it. Then the selected part will be added into Inbox.
If any problems or suggestions, please just tell us.
Have a nice day!
Autoforward Email from Gmail to Doit inbox
Hi - I'd like to forward some tasks that are auto-generated by another software to my inbox. In order to do this, doit needs to allow it. Please let me know if this is something that can be accommodated.
02/09/2017 18:30#1