I like to freely dump information into my Inbox in the spirit of David Allen. I don't like to think, just dump (collect) and the Process later.

Because of this, many non-actionable (reference) items end up in my inbox.

How do you recommend Processing such items without having to copy and paste to another another filing program? (If I tag them in Doit, they still remain as items in Next or Someday. This doesn't feel right. Am I missing something?

David Allen calls these occurrences "reference material" and I would love a seamless way to file them within DoIt. Such examples are: Maybe it is a quote I like and want to remember, or just an inspirational idea, or a revelation about family values. How do I process these as efficiently as possible? I don't use Evernote or the like. I like to dump everything into my GTD and work outward.

I am a Things defector (largely because you have cross-platform + online access) and they use Green Boxes for Areas. I found these to be very useful places to dump non-actionable items quickly from my Inbox that I could later reference.

How do you recommend processing such non-actionable, reference material as efficiently as possible from my Iphone (hopefully without leaving your app, or discarding the info?)

