Thank you very much for your support and proposal!
Smart add are mainly suggested to be used to add tasks with no careful consideration, most of which with only title. But if you do have exact start time or other attributes, you may add into the task and will automatically add the task into certain lists.
But your case is, you have exact time for a task but don't want to put them into exact time list but still in Inbox.
I could not quite understand the need, so could you please tell me the exact scenario in which you have such need? i.e., Could you please give us an example that you have such needs?
Look forward to your reply.
Good day!
Smart add wrong parsing of dates in other languages
Please, add an option to disable smart add datetime parsing because when I smart add a task in my language e.g. 'V piatok o 18:00 doktor' which means 'doctor on friday at 18:00' Do.It puts it into Tomorrow instead of Inbox. I've lost some tasks because of this before when doit wrongly parsed our date eg. '27.5.' and put task into scheduled like 2 years later and i forgot about task because it was not in inbox. So, as now, smart add is useless/dangerous for other locales. Thank you very much.
03/10/2017 18:55#1