Thank you very much for your support and feedback!
Could you please tell us if these tasks are all-day tasks? Or isn't any of them with some specific start time?
Task test created time zone -5 (3/16)
when change the time zone -6 Task test now is schedule for (3/17)
Task test02 created time zone -5 (3/16)
when change the time zone -4 Task test now is schedule for (3/15)
guys please help with this this is really a big problem for me, I traveling a lot all the weeks, I'm not trusting in now :(.
03/18/2017 17:32#1
03/21/2017 23:56#2
all are all-day tasks
03/24/2017 09:58#3
Hi, I tested for days to find that the issue was because, when you create an all-day task on 3/16 in timezone -5, the task is stored in as starting at 0:00 on March 16th, then you change the timezone to -4, then since it is an hour earlier, then the task is now stored in the system as starting at 23:00 on March 15th. That's why the later is shown as 3/15.
Since keeping all-day tasks on the same day when you switch timezone is not a right thing, we suggest you set specific time for each task if you frequently travel from one timezone to another. With our coming calendar feature to be added, it will be much easier to add specific time to each task.
If there are more questions or ideas, please just tell us.
Thank you very much!