You may see all the attributes on task bar now, except for 'Area' which we don't have in our system.
Could you please tell us what platform you mean to see these attributes? Then we may better help you.
Thank you very much!
Have a good day!
Always show area, goal, project, context, priority and tags in action lists.
Exactly that. You should see in a glance the area, goal, project, context and tags an action belongs to when you see an actions list.
04/29/2017 16:12#1
05/10/2017 15:49#2
I meant in task list. Any way you can't see a task goal if that task belong to a project.
05/11/2017 09:05#3
@Gamgster Thank you very much!
The relationships between task and project, task and goal are:
a) goal - project - task
b) goal - task
That is, a task may belong to a project that belongs to a goal, or a task may directly belong to a goal. So in the first case, on task bar, you may only see project, while goal appears on the project bar. I personally think there is no problem.
If you have more ideas, please tell us.
Nice day!