Thank you very much for your help and proposal!
We're thinking of translating the app into different languages, but there is a problem, it would be not easy for us to present Spanish customer service. That is, you might use a Spanish language app but still have the English Help Centre, would that be all right? Eager to listen to your ideas on this.
Thank you again!
Have a nice day!
Spanish translation
I think that the Spanish language has enough speakers to be translated into it.
I could help in this project.
I could help in this project.
04/29/2017 01:38#1
05/10/2017 15:59#2
Well, you can start translating the app. A next/future step was to have an multilanguage help center (I hope you'll earn some money so you can make some investment to develop you business).
05/11/2017 08:04#3
@Gamgster Thank you very much! Multi-language app would not be that hard. But to have a multi-language help center would not be that easy to do. Still we'll take it into consideration.
Thank you!