Before i suggest some new features I just want to thank you for making this app. It is very easy to use and welled based in GTD.
Suggested Features:
1. Agenda: Could you please add an Agenda Section of people that i need to speak to? For example: under "Mom: 'Ask mom what day of the week is dinner?'"
2. Categories/folders for someday maybe if i want to categorize items: Ideas for Vacation etc
3. Reference Category
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your proposal!
1. We suggest you use contexts, which is supposed to be used as places, tools, people you relate to.
2. We suggest you use projects, with tasks' start time set to Someday.
3. You may put references in Evernote, and link your Evernote account to And attach the related notes to tasks in so as to open them when needed.
How do you think about the above operations? If you have more ideas, please feel free to tell us.
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!