Q1: Does the software allow for an admin account to delegate tasks to a group/user?
A: You can delegate a task to one or more users, but cannot directly to all the users in a group. Here, I just set the web version as an example to introduce how to delegate a task to a user.
When you adding/editing a task, click on "Assign to" tab on the bottom, and all the contacts you've added will be listed. Choose one or more contacts and then click on "send".
Q2: Can the admin account see the status of all task assigned to anyone and print reports like who did what or what did not get done today or what’s happening next week for example.
A: All the tasks sent from you will go to Waiting box. In addition, click on a contact on the contacts list (the web version), it will also show you the tasks sent to you or from you. You and your contact can be discuss on the task using comments.
Here is a video that introduce how to post comments.
And the sent task is completed by the receiver, you'll get a completion message.
Now, the "print" feature is not supported, but we have it listed in our development plan. Please be patient.
Q3: When tasks are assigned to a group and a member of the group “buys” or “takes” the task, it should clear from the “queue” (aka to do list) so to speak of the other members of the group.
A: As I said in Q1, delegating a task to a group is not supported now, but you can delegate to multiple contacts. If you check the checkbox before Auto-complete on the task editing window, when the receiver completes the task, the task in your own app would go to Completed automatically at the same time you get the completion message. But for a task sent to multiple contacts, other receivers cannot get informed.
Q4: Will the users have some type of “time sensitive” reminders. For example… a task is created to Call Mr. Smith back at 10:00pm….and at 10:00pm an employee would be reminded (desktop app or email) to call Mr. Smith
A: You can set reminders to the task. http://faq.doit.im/web.html#84
Q5: Can employees make tasks that admins can see. Example… Employee makes a task to call a customer back, the employee calls in sick on the day the follow-up is supposed to happen. The admin account would be able to see all the tasks that the employee who was sick was going to do that day and reassign them to the group?
A: Sharing tasks? It is not supported now, but we will consider it in the future.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Mic questions.
1.) Does the software allow for an admin account to delegate tasks to a group/user?
2.) Can the admin account see the status of all task assigned to anyone and print reports like who did what or what did not get done today or what’s happening next week for example.
3.) When tasks are assigned to a group and a member of the group “buys” or “takes” the task, it should clear from the “queue” (aka to do list) so to speak of the other members of the group.
4.) Will the users have some type of “time sensitive” reminders. For example… a task is created to Call Mr. Smith back at 10:00pm….and at 10:00pm an employee would be reminded (desktop app or email) to call Mr. Smith
5.) Can employees make tasks that admins can see. Example… Employee makes a task to call a customer back, the employee calls in sick on the day the follow-up is supposed to happen. The admin account would be able to see all the tasks that the employee who was sick was going to do that day and reassign them to the group?
2.) Can the admin account see the status of all task assigned to anyone and print reports like who did what or what did not get done today or what’s happening next week for example.
3.) When tasks are assigned to a group and a member of the group “buys” or “takes” the task, it should clear from the “queue” (aka to do list) so to speak of the other members of the group.
4.) Will the users have some type of “time sensitive” reminders. For example… a task is created to Call Mr. Smith back at 10:00pm….and at 10:00pm an employee would be reminded (desktop app or email) to call Mr. Smith
5.) Can employees make tasks that admins can see. Example… Employee makes a task to call a customer back, the employee calls in sick on the day the follow-up is supposed to happen. The admin account would be able to see all the tasks that the employee who was sick was going to do that day and reassign them to the group?
06/28/2013 02:22#1
07/04/2013 06:50#3
We feel so sorry that we have to close this ticket for you haven't updated it for a long time. :( If you have any more questions about it or any new feedback on Doit.im, please start a new one.
Thank you for your support.