Thank you for your proposal!
You may set a project named 'Habits', or a tag "Habits" and save a Filter with its tasks' tag being "Habits".
And add repeated tasks like "drink a glass of water 1" set at 8 o' clock every day, "drink a glass of water 2" set at 10 o' clock every day, "drink a glass of water 3" set at 12 o' clock every day, etc, in this project, or with this tag.
Since we aim to make the system as concise as possible, we expect all of us could make full use of the current features instead of adding new ones.
If any more ideas, please just feel free to tell us.
Have a good day!
This would be great!
06/21/2017 09:05#1
06/21/2017 18:46#2
ahh okay
But if someday you decide to add it, will be great :)
And have a nice day too! :) -
07/03/2017 17:33#3
ahh and if you sometime decide to add the category "habits", where is "someday, today, next", would be cool if one can add description, a notification, maybe if it is a "bad habit" or a "good habit". So maybe a bad habit would be bad to mark it many times on a day, and a good habit would be something good to mark it many times.
That suggestion i did it, because i come from Habitica, the web/app did not convince me, so i found your web/app and i like it. But i miss the habits that was on habitica, and would be uncomfortable to have 2 apps or webs por that.
I think people would like
On habitica was like this:
The bad habits had a minus
the good habits a plus
and the habits that would be good to do it and bad to not do it, a plus and a minus. -
08/18/2017 09:52#4
I've been checking the previous posts and found yours unanswered. Really sorry for that.
Thank you very much for your detailed proposal!
It is a good idea to add or deduct points for completing a habit or not. Though I think it is still like the 'Goal' concept in Google, or actually repeated tasks in our system. The key is, we need a way to add or deduct points if you complete an occurrence of a repeated task or delete it.
Do you think so?
Welcome to discuss with us.
Have a great day! -
08/26/2017 02:18#5
It's okay no problem
thank you for answer :)
m.. I do not know if I understood correctly, but would be a "what to do with the points?"
I think that this habits points would be good complement them with the suggestion of the "skills":
So then there would go the points. For example:
The habit "Walk 30 minutes every 2 hours of sitting at the computer" will be with the skill "health". So if you did the habit, you touch the plus button, maybe appear "1 point" aside the name of the habit and aslo give you that point to the skill "health". And you then could see the points on a "radar chart" graphic, to see how balanced you are
And that could be complemented with the rewards suggestion:
To not be only points and nothing more
And have a nice day too! -
08/30/2017 08:02#6
@samu176 Thank you for your explanation, Samu!
There are so many to think about.
We've put it down.