Is there any other properties except Start time you set to those tasks that aren't shown on the web app or the Windows app?
If convenient, could you please give some screenshots of Today box on iPhone/iPad and web/Windows and a screenshot of Calendar?
So so sorry for the inconvenience that caused to you.
07/01/2013 06:32#2
07/01/2013 07:40#4
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07/01/2013 07:41#5
This is a private comment.
07/01/2013 10:35#6
We will look into it ASAP. And if there is any progress, we will let you know immediately.
Sorry for any inconvenience. -
07/01/2013 11:46#7
This is a private comment.
07/03/2013 06:56#9
Does the problem always exist?
We checked and found that everything works fine in your account.
On a side note, when using two-way sync between Doit.im and Google Cal, please try not to create a repeated task on both Doit.im and Google Cal but just on either of them, or you'll get duplicated tasks in the list. Because instances generated on Google cal will be synced to Doit.im, meanwhile, Doit.im itself will also create instances. Thus, there will be duplicated instances in the list.
If you're still having a problem, please don't hesitate to contact us.
we apologize for the inconvenience.
07/05/2013 00:46#10
Hi - I "fixed" it by changing the context on the tasks and then changing them back. So I dont have the problem currectly but will keep an eye out for it. Then all of the tasks all appeared. I dont use google cal, I just used it to do the initial import.
07/05/2013 01:45#11
Glad to hear it's working now.
If it happens again or you have more questions about Doit.im, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your feedback and support.