Thank you very much, Samu!
We'll add pomodoro timer. There is a problem that we need more consideration. We've already have pomodoro time estimation on iPhone. But some of our users ask us that if we define a pomodoro as 25 minutes, how can I set the estimate time if it's expected to complete within 10 minutes. It would be easy to solve during the timing because we can make the two tasks done within 1 pomodoro, but pomodoro seems not suitable for estimation. I found you think deeply on the product, so I would be really happy to listen to your thoughts.
Nice to talk with you!
This could be an option, i mean let the user choose if have the pomodoro visible or not
this could work with the feature request "rewards". If you compleate a pomodoro it give you some points, if you break the pomodoro then it take you points. That would make it even more satisfactory to finish pomodoros, and because of that, it would make it more easy to focus.
This is good for the people that have it hard to focus to make a task, because you only have to focus for 25 minutes (or you can change this to start more easy) then you can rest for 5 minutos or a little more. And after 3 times of 25 minutes (3 pomodoros) then you have a long break to rest.
So then you do not have the stress of see you have too much to do and can not focus for a long time, like for example studying: If you are not used to study 2 hours a day, then would be hard to do it at the start. So if you focus just a few minutes and have little breaks, would be a lot easier study that time.
Web examples that use pomodoro:
08/11/2017 09:32#1
08/26/2017 06:09#2
But then the "estimated time" for one task will be the time of the "work time" of the pomodoro for that only task? And that would be for every task?
If that is the case. Could it be the estimated time be like it is now (so then the user can keep seeing how much time of the day he/she have to do the tasks that want to do) and on a corner of the web or at the top of the web be a "pomodoro timer"? (i'll attach sketch examples)
And would be great if when the time is running appear on the page a menu with the tasks of "today", or also on setting could choose tasks of what list show, and a box to mark tasks as done while the pomodoro time is running
Regards -
08/26/2017 06:12#3
and on the android phone maybe the pomodoro time could be on the top or on the column too
08/27/2017 22:34#4
And also on the list that would appear: Would be on the right side of every task the "estimate time" of each one. So you will see how many task you can do on 1 pomdoro.
08/30/2017 07:32#5
@samu176 Thank you very much for your ideas, Samu!
We're thinking of the way similar to, that is, both estimate and time with pomodoro.
But the details we have to think it deeply.
If you have more ideas, please feel free to tell us any time. -
01/23/2018 04:58#6
Sorry, i read this again and i missed to answer this to your first message and maybe to be more clear on my idea:
Maybe would be more comfortable not to be "both estimate and time with pomodoro". because in that case every task would have different "estimate times", like 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 hour, etc. if the pomodoros lasts 20 minutes, would be uncomfortable to find, like i think you said, that you have to do a task of 5 minutes in 1 pomodoro of 20 minutes.
I think that on 1 pomodoro the user should do some part of a task, if the task take more time to do that the time of the pomodoro, and do all the tasks that can on that time he/she set for the pomodoro to last.
For example, the user choose: The pomodoros time will be 20 minutes, the rests 6 minutes, and the long rest 15 minutes. (or just the default pomodoro: 25min, rest:5 min, long rest 15min). And then press play to start the pomodoro session, and he/she do the tasks he/she can on that 25min, and no matter if one pomodoro finish on the middle of a task, if that happens he/she rest that time that was set before on the "Pomodoro session settings", and then continue the task that he/she was doing.
So the user would go marking as complete, the task while it finish them on the pomodoro session.
I think that would be more comfortable for the problem you tell me on the first message.
I hope I have explained myself well, I speak Spanish and not so much English
Regards and nice day! -
01/23/2018 06:42#7
@samu176 Thank you very much for your detailed explanation!
We'll take it into serious consideration in the design of the pomodoro timer.
Nice day!