Thank you so much for your feedback!
If you use it this way, then we suggest you make use of the batch editing feature after collecting.
1. With so many stuff collected in Inbox, you may long click any task bar to select some tasks with the same context, then tap "context" at upper right (or via '...'), then add project in the same way.
2. Tasks with 'project' set would go to Next, and can also be found under certain projects. Click inside to change its time.
3. We've been developing new version, and time list will also be added in the feature of batch editing.
We present the detail page the way it is because we intend to make the page clear enough when you view it.
With your sincere feedback, we'll consider further on this point. Do you set context, project and time for almost all the tasks? Are your tasks always with or without descriptions? We may take more consideration in your side if you provide as many details of your usage as possible.
Thank you again!
Have a nice day!
- First I collect eveything in inbox containing only the task title
- next I sort the task with a context and project and a time: next action, someday, ....
In the latest versions of the app this is moved to the background.
The screen space is taken by non -gtd stuff like: evernote, subtasks, description, all day event, and a edit more button which I always have to press because thats where the important stuff is if I scroll down on top of that.
So for every task i'm want to sort I need to press edit -> edit more -> scroll down
Why make this basic functionality so hard to reach?
08/14/2017 08:31#1
09/07/2017 13:15#2
Thanks for the reply.
I understand the option to do batch editing but in my case I have so much projects and context that there aren't many tasks in the inbox with the same context or project.
Also, like you said, as soon as I select a project from the menu, the task is moved to the NEXT time even if I don't want that and the task should be on the "someday" list for example.
Currently I use an (unsupported) old iphone version of doit where the processing of the inbox was user friendly:
- time, context and project can be easily edited as soon as a task is selected (without extra press and scroll)
- when the time (TODAY,NEXT,SOMEDAY) is assigned, the task is automatically closed and the next task in the inbox is opened
I'm just trying to use the "Getting things done" method of first collecting in the INBOX and then to process everything once a week by assigning a context, project, time or delete it. I have hundreds of tasks every week and processing them should be as easy as possible because it takes quite some time.
09/11/2017 10:12#3
@southfall Thank you very much!
Batch editing and Processing are different. I see now that when you process the tasks in Inbox, you hope to enter a processing mode which means the detail page of a task is shown and you may add time, context, project etc. Then you swipe left to enter the detail page of the next task.
Is it what you want?
If it is, the feature will be put in later plans.
If any further ideas, please feel free to tell us.
Have a nice day! -
10/07/2017 13:47#4
That is indeed what I'm looking for. Would be nice if that is added to the android app.
Also, in detail view the task can be marked as done or as removed. -
10/10/2017 04:16#5
@southfall Thank you!
In detail page, it can be marked as Done when you check the checkbox. We'll add delete feature into detail page later.
Have a nice day!