Thank you very much for your proposal, @samu176!
Could you please make it more detailed about your usage so that we may better understand and help you?
Do you have a lot of projects? About how many? Do you make use of goals? About how many tags do you expect to use for projects, just as classes?
I use contexts like "home" "college" "health" "Habits" for example.
And use tags, for example on "college", i use a tag for every class. So then i know what tasks i have for the college and inside that context, i know what task i have for every class separately.
So could be have on the project tags? So then i could know when i enter a tag, what projects i have for every class.
10/10/2017 09:52#1
10/11/2017 21:45#2
Not too many projects, maybe 4 would be the most i had at the same time until now, cause are project the college give me like homework, or group projects.
I do for what things use Goals yet. Because it seems just like projects
And yes i would use the tags just for classes (or for now is the purpose i would give them), to know what projects i have for every class, so when i enter a tag i could see the projects and single tasks for a class
Regards -
10/23/2017 08:52#3
@samu176 Hi, thank you for your description!
We suggest you use 'goals' as classes. That is, Goal 1 can be Class 1. Then under Class 1, there are projects and tasks. Thus, you don't need tags any more, or you may use tags for other usage.
If any further requests, please feel free to tell us. -
10/30/2017 16:54#4
@samu176 here was "i do now know for what things use Goals yet"
10/30/2017 16:56#5
@Kassy ahh okay thank you! i will try that! :)
10/30/2017 16:59#6
sorry the corrector change what i meant to say, and i can not edit the comment. I meant to say on my comment "#2" was: "i do not know for that things use goals yet"
but i will try use goals for class thank you :)
10/30/2017 17:07#7
*for what
11/01/2017 06:44#8
Thank you @samu176!
After a certain period of time, please come and tell us your feelings of using goals as classes. :)
Nice day! -
01/22/2018 22:03#9
I can not add a proyect inside a goal -
01/22/2018 22:38#10
ahh now i find it how to add a project to a goal.
It is pressing right click of the mouse on a project and there you have the option to add to a goal. But it's strange that when you press "edit" on a project, that there is not an option to add the project you are editing to a goal.
Would be good maybe add that -
01/22/2018 22:39#11
*found it
01/23/2018 04:35#12
@samu176 Thank you for telling us!
We've been thinking of improving the feature of goal so that its setting would be easier.
Nice day!