
Start times for tasks are displaying incorrectly when viewed in the pop-out "Doit Now" window (Web Version - Chrome).

The start time is always 1 hour later in the pop-out.

For example...

- I create a new task for Today with a start time of 6:00am.
- I check the "Doit Now blue lightening bolt" to move the task into the immediate action category at the top of Todays tasks.
- When viewed in a regular Chrome tab within the "Today" view from the left hand side menu, the start time will continue to appear correctly as 6:00am.
- But when I engage the pop-out window to just display immediate "Doit Now" tasks in a standalone re-sizable window, the start time will appear wrongly as 1 hour ahead. i.e. 7:00am.
- This does not appear to have any connection to a deadline time associated with the task (for tasks with a deadline of 1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs etc after the start time, the start time is consistently displayed incorrectly one single hour ahead in the pop-out window).

Thanks in advance for feedback and assistance.