I'm also having this issue!
Adding task via Email doesn't work
I have an account for. The task can not be added via email. When will this bug be fixed?
03/20/2018 07:53#1
03/20/2018 11:55#2
Have the same.
03/20/2018 14:10#3
Have the same issue. Would be great to have a faster reply for pro users like you said we should expect...
03/21/2018 00:52#4
I realize I've been having this issue for about 24 hours. I just noticed that there are not messages in my inbox that I expected. I'm looking forward to a fix.
03/22/2018 06:19#5
@dorachra @dafnialon @ @TimLieben Thank you for all your feedback!
The problem will be fixed within a week.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Nice day!