Thank you very much for your support!
If you drag and drop a task from today to tomorrow, the deadline won't change if the old deadline is not earlier than the new start time (tomorrow), it will change if the former is earlier than the latter. For example, today is May 16, for a task from May 16 to May 20, if you drag and drop it to tomorrow, it will be May 17 to May 20. But for a task from May 16 to May 16, if you drag and drop it to tomorrow, it will be May 17 to May 17.
Any further questions, please just let us know.
Nice day!
Deadlines Are Unexpectedly Shifted.
This is the question I wrote in Japanese before.
Once again I will question in English. Excuse my poor English.
This problem comes up in " for Windows".
I am using both Windows 7 and 10, and I found it under both circumstances.
When I drag and drop tasks, the deadlines are incorrectly shifted.
It occurs only in case of shifting from "today" to "tomorrow" by Drag&Drop.
On the other hand, the followings are all OK;
• today --> schedule (by Drag&Drop)
• tomorrow --> today (by Drag&Drop)
• tomorrow --> schedule (by Drag&Drop)
• schedule --> today (by Drag&Drop)
• schedule --> tomorrow (by Drag&Drop)
• Any group --> Other group (by editing task)
I signed out and signed in again, but this could not be solved.
Furthermore, I uninstalled the app and re-installed and yet the result is still same.
Your answer is much appreciated and I expect some improvement in the program.
This is the question I wrote in Japanese before.
Once again I will question in English. Excuse my poor English.
This problem comes up in " for Windows".
I am using both Windows 7 and 10, and I found it under both circumstances.
When I drag and drop tasks, the deadlines are incorrectly shifted.
It occurs only in case of shifting from "today" to "tomorrow" by Drag&Drop.
On the other hand, the followings are all OK;
• today --> schedule (by Drag&Drop)
• tomorrow --> today (by Drag&Drop)
• tomorrow --> schedule (by Drag&Drop)
• schedule --> today (by Drag&Drop)
• schedule --> tomorrow (by Drag&Drop)
• Any group --> Other group (by editing task)
I signed out and signed in again, but this could not be solved.
Furthermore, I uninstalled the app and re-installed and yet the result is still same.
Your answer is much appreciated and I expect some improvement in the program.
05/16/2018 06:23#1
05/21/2018 08:14#2
Problems of "Irregular Deadline Shift" occurs when I do the following steps;
1st step
In May-20, create a today task whose deadline is May-31. (Please look at the attached document No.1)
2nd step
Then drag the above task to [tomorrow task] in a same day. (Please look at the attached document No.2)
3rd step
After that, I found the deadline had shifted from May-31 to Jun-2. (Please look at the attached document No.3)
In addition
The remaining days already changed from 11 days to 13 days after shifted to [tomorrow task].(Please look at the attached document No.4)
I suppose the correct figure is 10 days (from May-21 to May-31).
I would like you to check your program in a same condition.