This is been happening for me too
Pro account expired while already renewed
I've Google Play auto-renew my Pro account, but it still expired and can sync no more. Please help to enable my Pro account.
09/21/2018 18:27#1
09/24/2018 10:34#2
У меня такая же проблема. Оплата прошла уже 18.09.18 но аккаунт не обновился
09/24/2018 14:22#3
Is there anyone in Snoworange handling this for us?
10/19/2018 06:14#4
@michaelh0911 @estelina50000 @Elie
Thank you for your support!
Your Pro account has been updated, please check by refreshing your web version and manually sync your phone and desktop version.
Nice day!