@alex2samara Thank you very much for your support!
We've check but not found the payment info for this email account, could you please check to see whether you paid using another email account?
Really sorry for the problem.
Look forward to your reply.
Have a nice day!
10/19/2018 06:38#1
10/19/2018 10:27#2
I paid using my Google account zak2harov
10/19/2018 10:29#3
In Google play, I have a paid year subscription
10/20/2018 11:33#4
Could enybody help me?
10/21/2018 18:38#5
10/22/2018 13:55#6
I ask you to link my Google account zak2harov@gmail.com with Doit account alex2samara
10/23/2018 11:20#7
If you can halp me for 24 hours I will be forced to demand cancellation of payment and refuse to use your service!
10/29/2018 17:40#8
@alex2samara Thank you very much for your support!
Really sorry for the late reply!
We've updated your Pro account, please refresh your web version and manually sync your phone and desktop version.
Nice day! -
11/30/2018 12:08#9
I could not use the application for three weeks!!! I demand to return the payment and cancel the pro version!
12/03/2018 06:33#10
@alex2samara Thank your for your reply.
Your account was updated a month ago. So what further problem have you come across during the past three weeks? Could you please tell us in detail so that we may further help you?
Nice day! -
12/04/2018 19:01#11
Look above! My problem appeared on the 18 october! And it was solved on 14 november!!!!
Look here http://help.doit.im/topics/9390#comment-5 -
12/21/2018 10:15#12
And there is still no answer!
12/22/2018 17:15#13
It's terrible service! ;(
01/12/2019 07:39#14
@alex2samara Really sorry for all the inconveniences caused. I'm writing an email to confirm your request.
Thank you! -
01/12/2019 08:19#15
Yes, I want to cancel the Pro account and get the refund.
01/14/2019 05:50#16
@alex2samara Okey, your request has been submitted. We'll email you when it's done. Nice day!
02/05/2019 15:41#17
Three weeks have passed!
02/15/2019 08:35#18
Hello! Three a month have passed!
02/25/2019 09:13#19
03/09/2019 17:09#21
@alex2samara Hi, really sorry for the late reply.
You paid via Google, so you may just apply the refund from Google. Or you may provide us a PayPal account so that we may send you the money.
Nice day! -
03/11/2019 09:59#22
Yes, I want to get the refund to my PayPal - alex2samara@mail.ru
03/14/2019 01:58#23
@alex2samara Okey, we'll send you mail when it's done.
Nice day! -
03/25/2019 09:01#24
04/03/2019 10:11#25
Does anybody here???
04/04/2019 03:03#26
@alex2samara Sorry for the late reply.
When paying to your Paypal account, we were told as follow:
This recipient accepts PayPal payments only through their website. To complete this payment, please go to their website.
So, please send us a charge request to doitim@snoworange.com which we may click to complete the payment.
Nice day! -
04/11/2019 12:02#27
Request has been sent.
04/15/2019 07:12#29
@alex2samara The payment has been completed, please check. Actually, Google only gave us 70% of your payment, while we paid back you 100%.
All goes well.
04/15/2019 09:00#30
It's all right!