I mean that filters allow you sort by tag, project etc... but it would be fine to include a field like "Task including the word:........"
09/07/2013 15:34#1
09/08/2013 03:56#2
A field like "Task including the word......"? Now, you may enter some key words in the search box and then tasks with their titles or descriptions including the keywords will appear.
Shall you need any other help or have additional questions, please do note hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your support on Doit.im. -
09/08/2013 06:31#4
Yes Michelle. But I would like to save the search.
Is it possible? -
09/09/2013 09:18#5
Why don't you create the tags using the keywords? Thus, you can filter tasks by tags and save the result as an filter box.
And if convenient, could you please describe the situations in which you need the feature you said above?
Thanks for your feedback. -
09/09/2013 13:39#6
Hi again Michell,
All this story started because I have subtasks with different contexts.
As the main task doesn't support multiple contexts, I started using tags for these contexts (you recommended me to do that and I did it). The problem was that these tags/contexts appeared mixed with normal tags and it was a bit confusing.
Then I decided to use hashtags (#phone etc..) and this is why I'd like to be able to save filters for these hastags.
Another solution could be to turn my tasks with subtasks into project, but I don't want to because I would then have too many projects.
As I told you here: http://help.doit.im/topics/1366 I still think the best would be allow multiple contexts to the main tag.
If this is not possible, the second option would be to allow creating and filing filters that use keywords.
Please consider it seriously because, as you can see this limitation is causing me a great disturb.
Thanks for all.
Regards. -
09/10/2013 08:27#7
In your case, 1. please create tags first and they are just named as the hashtags (#phone etc..) as you said above. 2. add the tags to your tasks, 3. create a filter rule, restricting the list "Tags" is "#phone etc.." , 4. Save the filter result as a filter box. Is it what you want?
And here is a video about how to create a filter in the web version.
If you have further questions, please feel free to let us know.
Thanks for your feedback and support. -
09/10/2013 08:44#8
As I told you I did that and discarded this option because tags appeared mixed with hashtags (at the topofthe web version) when listing the tasks
Isn' t it then better to allow multiple contexts or improve the adanced search? -
09/10/2013 09:13#9
We will consider it.
Thanks for your feedback and support. -
09/10/2013 11:48#10
Thanks Michelle.
09/11/2013 02:28#12
It's our pleasure. We will improve the search feature in the future.
If you have any more ideas, please get in touch.