We will consider your suggestion in the future and will try to keep consistent among the versions we support.
Here, you said, "The windows doit.im app is sloooow. " Could you please describe it in detail?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
I would like to reference this case - http://help.doit.im/topics/1201
Basically this earlier case is also about the ability to batch-tag multiple items. A solution was proposed to the user - the mac app has this ability, but only the mac app. And since the user had a mac available...
I do appreciate the fact that the most of doit.im devs use macbook retinas and whatnot ;) but most of your users is probably android/windows crowd - and so am I. I've got an android smartphone and a windows 8 hybrid device. The windows doit.im app is sloooow. No offence, just saying - it's probably snappy on an intel i7, but mine hybrid is an atom slate, so you know.. ;) I use the web version on it. And I'd really like to see batch-tag on android and web version.
Kind regards
09/20/2013 16:11#1
09/23/2013 11:18#3
"The windows doit.im app is sloooow."
Allow me to expand on this point substantially.
It is slow.
Again, no offence, just saying. And for the serious part - doit.im windows is a Miscrosoft Net Framework app, not a win32 app I presume. The code could be either refactored or written from scratch to execute faster on slower devices (again - probably runs fine on intel i7, bot incredibly sloow on newest intel atom in my tablet). Either of these options are way too much fuss and are not going so happen, thus I ditched the windows app and I'm just using android and web.
No inconvencience taken. Supporting multiple platforms is a pain in the ..., isn't it?
09/24/2013 06:34#5
We have an all-new version for windows on the way. Its performance will be highly improved. :) Just stay tuned!
Shall you need any other help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your feedback and support.