One correction to the above: NirvanaHQ does not offer such filtering levels as, you guys are ahead here. My main point was to have furter filtering improvement.
The other tool I'm keeping an eye on is NirvanaHQ. Features that they offer which are for me missing in are:
- area selection ( has tags but a simpel selection that filters all lists saves a lot)
- task ordering: to be able to add all tasks per project and select the next ones to be visible. I tried something using priorities or the someday list to put the non-next actions in but this is too cumbersome.
- contact filtering (contacts can be added but only for handing over actions, I would like to filter on agenda items and waiting for actions per contact. Tags can be used but are only an in between solution)
- FIlter options: I like the filter options and that you can select two conditions per filter.
It's a pity however that I always "lose" one condition by having to select the status as uncompleted. I'm typically not interested anymore in filtering my completed actions. Having another condition or making the (un)completed selection simply selectable by a checkbox for example would help me a lot.
I hope you are taking at least some of these into account for you next releases. Do you have a target date for a new release already ?
What I currently like a lot about the tool, the list is not complete: reminders, google cal integration, drag and drop, the mobile android app (quick entry !)
11/19/2013 11:43#1
11/20/2013 07:41#3
Thank you for your feedback!
Features that they offer which are for me missing in are:
Q:- area selection ( has tags but a simpel selection that filters all lists saves a lot)
A:It has been in our developing plan after I check Nirvanahq.
Q:- task ordering: to be able to add all tasks per project and select the next ones to be visible. I tried something using priorities or the someday list to put the non-next actions in but this is too cumbersome.
A: Do you mean that you want to make tasks per project visible when you make them Next and others are invisible? About ordering,we are going to support manually sort.
Q:- contact filtering (contacts can be added but only for handing over actions, I would like to filter on agenda items and waiting for actions per contact. Tags can be used but are only an in between solution)
A: Tasks which you sent to your contacts will be showed in Waiting. You can use Group by Contacts to view the task list in Waiting.
Q:- FIlter options: I like the filter options and that you can select two conditions per filter.
A: Do you mean that you want the conditions to be "or"? Now we support "and".
Q:It's a pity however that I always "lose" one condition by having to select the status as uncompleted. I'm typically not interested anymore in filtering my completed actions. Having another condition or making the (un)completed selection simply selectable by a checkbox for example would help me a lot.
A: Is it not convenient to you to select the status now? In your opinion,it would help you a lot if it is a checkbox? Our designer will find a way to improve it. Thank you for your suggestion.
Q:I hope you are taking at least some of these into account for you next releases. Do you have a target date for a new release already ?
A:We are going to release our new version before Christmas.
Here is a blog introducing the new features:
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards, Team
11/20/2013 11:49#4
@wendy_only & @Dennis_Gerrits
As regards the second question:
Q:- task ordering: to be able to add all tasks per project and select the next ones to be visible. I tried something using priorities or the someday list to put the non-next actions in but this is too cumbersome.
A: Do you mean that you want to make tasks per project visible when you make them Next and others are invisible? About ordering,we are going to support manually sort.
Wendy, I am sure this is the same request that we have discussed a number of times in many other threads, the fact that when you have many tasks in a project, many of them are "subsequent" (still "inactive", cannot be done or waited for yet); in other words not relevant (and disturbing) to see on the main "Box" lists. For example:
Task 34: Order new fax machine (will become a Next action when the project reaches that stage)
Task 35: Receive fax machine (will become a Waiting For action when the previous step has been completed)
The number of tasks that are currently "active" in a project can vary a lot from one project to another, but is often more than one, and seldom all. A simple way to implement the distinction between active and inactive would be to have a horizontal line (or heading) in each project, allowing the user to drag tasks from the upper, active, default section into the lower section in order to "inactivate" them. This would also allow Doit to automatically move the inactive tasks one at a time into the active section whenever the active section is empty. -
11/21/2013 03:43#5
I think that what @Dennis_Gerrits said is just the same request which we have discussed a number of times. I asked him to make sure this issue.
Thank you for your further description of this feature. -
11/22/2013 21:28#6
@wendy_only & @Folke
Indeed, it is the same feature as Folke is explaining
Concerning contacts: I don`t want to sent actions to contacts, I want only to add names to actions (like waiting for or agenda items). So it´s like a tag, which I´m using at the moment as a work around, but now the contacts are spread throughout all my other tags. Also, no way to directly filter on a tag/contact (they don´t appear in the left menu).
concerning filters: I miss a 3rd level of filtering because the first level is a selection of "uncompleted tasks". Does not need to be a checkbox; it was just a proposal. To give an example, I want to filter on all "waiting for" items with the " personal " tag. That´s two filtering levels already in the advanced filter, but I don´t want the completed tasks in the list ...
I hope this is clear.
Looking forward to the next release ! -
11/23/2013 11:26#7
You said "Also, no way to directly filter on a tag/contact (they don´t appear in the left menu)."
Are you aware that you can filter by clicking the "button" in the tag bar just above the task list? This will give you a filtering of the list in front of you, e.g. the Next list. This has the great advantage that you do not need to fill in and save a whole advanced search "questionnaire" for each and every ad hoc filtering you want to do. Using the buttons is much quicker and does not clutter your list of saved filters.
Tip: What you can also do is reduce the number of contact tags by using individual tags only for your most frequent contacts and the use more generic tags (such as lawyer, client, government etc) for others. It is usually enough (for me, anyway) to bring the list down to 3-10 items; and from there I can usually see which tasks apply to this particular person, and I can avoid having a long list of contact tags.
What I personally miss most in the quick filtering bar is the ability to exclude (eliminate) tasks with certain tags from the list. This would open up for very creative tagging and make it possible to narrow down your choices very realistically in most everyday situations. This is something Wendy has said they are looking at, though, so I am both happy and optimistic.
What I also miss, but can work around, is the ability to also use the contexts, not only the tags, for quick filtering of the list in front of me, e.g. the Next list. The workaround is to re-sort the list by context before quick filtering and then inspect that particular section of the list, which is perfectly doable but much less convenient. -
11/28/2013 15:20#8
@ Folke
Indeed, I'm aware of these buttons. They are probably the best alternative to what I was looking for ...
My tag list tends to become longer since I use it for the moment for:
- area filtering (work / personal)
- Company projects (not the GTD project type, but the projects I work on within the company)
- contact persons
I may be overtagging but for the moment I like the idea of being able to filter on the above as well. -
11/28/2013 15:46#9
@Dennis_Gerrits & @wendy_only
It would be nice if projects could be tagged, and if tasks could inherit those tags, and if you could then show/hide specific tags using the quick buttons.
Might this be useful for you?: I keep ALL my tasks in projects. For tasks that do not belong in "real" projects I have eight permanent AoR "projects" for single actions. This is useful in many ways, for example, when if I group the Next list by project I can quite easily focus on certain projects and ignore others.
(In addition, I keep all my projects - both AoR buckets and real projects - grouped under a different "goals", the two dominating ones in terms of total number of projects being "Ongoing business" and "Ongoing personal".) -
11/29/2013 02:52#10
You'd better try the way @Folke does. Hope it would help you. -
11/29/2013 14:45#11
@ Folke
Thanks for the tip, I may give this a try. Although I do not yet fully understand how this can give me the same visibility.
I assume you mean the areas of responsibility in the GTD sense. I tried to get those in through the use of goals but like you also say: goals have too much limitation at the moment.
Another thing: I see that a lot of people are doubting between Nirvana and I am trying Nirvana as well since a few weeks since it has some nice features. The android app of Doit is far better however. Do you have any experience / comparison views between the two ? -
11/29/2013 15:06#12
You are absolutely right. It is not the same thing at all. But the trick, somehow, whenever you change to another app, is to find a set of workarounds that, all in all, makes your overall situation workable somehow :-) Keeping single actions in "phony" projects gives you an extra "tag" on the task line, and sometimes places them together in groups. This might perhaps help alleviate your problem a bit sometimes, but it is not a solution.
About Nirvana: Maybe its contact features are bit more to your liking, but still not quite what you are asking for, I believe. My own main reason for switching to Doit was the priority feature. I also made some comments about tags and filtering etc here: -
12/27/2015 10:41#13
Hi all,
I´ve not been following doit for a year or two. Did it change much since then and take some of the essential points into account which were discussed in this and other threads ? I´m looking at a few apps to see what´s new and what will be my tool for the next year. I´ve been using todoist for the last two years and my subscription is ending end of this month.
Nirvana seems to have been updating their apps recently as well. I´ll look into nirvana and mainly.