
@Folke, myself and others have made some compelling arguments in prior posts to bring Star back to the mobile apps. I believe that it is still part fo the Web app (which is much appreciated). In addition, @Folke has made the argument that a Star list should be seperate from the Today list. I concur with Folke's comments on this as I think it is more appropriate use of Star than co-mingling it with Today. (it may contain everything on the Today list, but it should be a seperate and distinct list).

I haven't seen any recent dialog to know where this stands on the development plan or not? Could you comment as best you can where Doit stands on making this fundamental change? I am finding it more and more awkward to practice GTD using Start Time as the basis on which tasks I will work on during any given day. I believe if I had a Star List, that will be the list I would focus my time on (regardless of when a task is due or it's start time).

Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.
