It certainly has been requested before, and different alternatives have been outlined. I can't find them all right now, but here are a few:
I agree with you that this is something that should be addressed. An extremely simple first step would be to allow the user to mark actions as active or inactive (default active aka parallel), and manually move the rest along. Obviously this could be partly automated. The main thing is the developers must make it possible to have any number of active next actions in each project and allow for the fact that each project is different at any point in time. The current solution with "Show One or Show All" simply does not help.
Zendone and GTDNext (and Omnifocus and MyLifeOrganized) have more powerful solutions for this. Nirvana and FacileThings are a bit behind those, but ahead of Doit, but all stuck in an idealized world where there is always exactly ONE next action at a time.
Trigger tasks when others are completed
I don't know if anyone has already suggested this, but it would be really useful if I could schedule a task to begin once another task had been completed. This way when I have a project with multiple sequential steps I could plan them out and have the reminders appear on my next list or my schedule list once the previous task has been completed. This may be a tall order, but I figure it is worth suggesting. Thanks.
06/09/2015 01:01#1
06/09/2015 13:40#2
I want and i NEED to work with due date option is so simple, many apps and software do I , do not want to schedule that repeats even without complete .
06/10/2015 01:04#3
VINI634, I also misread the heading. When I saw the word completed I also thought abuot the "repeat x days after completion" feature that the team has already said they will implement.
This post is about something entirely different, though. It is about sequential project actions, dependent actions, usually not repeating but relevant only after other actions in the project have first been completed.