Title | Author | Latest Post |
Please add a Gantt chart | moebius |
byKassy |
Waiting Tasks able to be dependent on other Tasks (Dependency on other Tasks) |
byKassy |
Ability to delete comments from tasks | Rideto |
byKassy |
Aumentem o valor do aplicativo | Gibran |
byKassy |
Reminder overview | Tomoucha |
byKassy |
Alert before subscription ends? | opfertunes |
byKassy |
Pro subscription renewal paid but not properly registered | pwusher |
byKassy |
I have payed from other Google account | aniangeless |
byKassy |
Increase lifetime of a session in the web version | Includen |
byKassy |
Location Based Reminders | aj41581 |
byKassy |
Date picker option when using ^ shortcut | horusofoz |
byKassy |
Day of task creation | slavny |
byKassy |
Time indicator | thecrosser |
byKassy |
Preference |
byKassy |
How to create filter "Office Next" | andreyhd |
byKassy |