Does anyone know when the version of doit shown in the latest blog entry is likely to launch? From the screenshots it looks powerful and potentially confusing in equal measure but I'm looking forward to teying it out all the same.
Apologies if this is the wrong group to post in but the usual support forums appear to have been retired in fabour of the user groups??
@thealbs - it is pretty dead here, too, and Doit staff never participate here - it seems to be strictly users only. I think you'd better ask Doit directly in the Features forum, but from they had said many times in that forum it will be sometime "this winter", i.e. very soon now or early spring or something like that.
Some of the interesting features they have mentioned in the forum, bit not in the blog post, are these additional features:
- manual sorting at Goal, Project, Task and Subtask level
- some form of handling of parallel/sequential actions (not specified how, though)
- improved filtering/tagging
Some of the interesting features they have mentioned in the forum, bit not in the blog post, are these additional features:
- manual sorting at Goal, Project, Task and Subtask level
- some form of handling of parallel/sequential actions (not specified how, though)
- improved filtering/tagging