Title | Author | Latest Post |
Add items to Task List from outside application | dpm1028 |
Change Email Address | Blaino |
bytruemoroz |
Export to XLS or CSV | horusofoz |
byThusnelda |
Evernote problem linking | Sagebay55 |
bySagebay55 |
Google assistant | samu176 |
bymichalremis |
Dark Theme | irwansyahrir |
Mark All Completed | singwings |
Smart add shortcut for deadline | yu_intk |
change email address | melissaortiz |
byBlaino |
Export to .cvs/.json | pmisner |
Scheduled repeated tasks are not working |
byMBO |
Bye DoIt - I will miss you :-( | lavful |
byManishjain10101 |
Scheduled task do not appear on a daily bases | sebastiankotow |
An amazing product | dirkroel |
I paid for pro but it still seems basic.. | alikater |