@lujop for what it's worth, I have implemented the separation of Work and Personal tasks and using Tags and associated Filters. It works reasonably well with the main drawback being that that the Tasks do not inherit tags (or contexts, I tried that as well) from the parent projects, so that they have to be set on every task.
I personally do not like the idea of separate logins because I do need the option to see tasks from all areas. I believe anything involving separate logins does create more overhead than I ever would want to deal with. If such a solution was implemented I would not use it and stick with my tags.
I've seen several closed tickets asking for that but not sure if it's already implemented:
A possibly work arround while if it's not implemented will be to able to vinculate to accounts and login separatly but with only paying for one.
12/30/2013 05:21#1
12/30/2013 09:39#2
Thank you for your feedback!
It has been in our developing plan to support this feature. Now please the way @khaberz offer.
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/30/2013 09:47#3
Thank you for sharing your solution.
Q: It works reasonably well with the main drawback being that that the Tasks do not inherit tags (or contexts, I tried that as well) from the parent projects, so that they have to be set on every task.
A: Do you point the Filter viewing page? Would you like that the task will inherit the information of the filter if it is created in the filter viewing page?
Shall you need any help or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me back.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Doit.im Team
12/30/2013 10:04#4
@wendy_only No, I do not mean the filter viewing page. What I am looking for is a functionality (can be optional) to have tasks inherit some parameters - in this case tags - from the parent project.
Example: In my workflow *all* tasks have either the tag "Work" or "Personal" assigned. Let's say I am setting up a project I am responsible for at my job in doit.im. I tag the Project - of course - with the tag "Work" - I would like to have all tasks I am later setting up underneath the project automatically have the "Work" task assigned. Instead I have to add the tag to every new task I add to the project. That is a lot of additional effort.
There are obviously different ways to implement that - An option "Task inherit tags/contexts from Parent project" in the preferences would be one approach. Setting up Areas of responsibilty as an entirely separate parameter and let only that one inherit from the project down to the task would be another one (that would also allow for a toggle for an entirely separate view between AORs - this is one thing that nirvanahq implemented flawlessly if want to look at an example). I hope this helps. -
12/30/2013 10:29#5
@wendy_only I should add for clarification that this would require first to have projects be able to have tags to begin with (Why don't they). At the moment the inheriting could only work with contexts. If such a change were to be implemented I'd prefer to also have projects be able to carry tags - which then could be inherited by the tasks underneath them.
12/30/2013 10:51#6
+1 to the suggestion made by @khaberz about tags that can be applied to contexts, projects and goals, and which will automatically apply to all tasks in that context, project or goal.
The purpose of this is for the ad hoc quick filtering using the buttons at the top of the list, for example when looking at the Next list grouped by context or deadline or whatever, to be able to look at only some of the projects and keep the rest hidden.
You often do not want to save such filters, because you get a mile-long list of seldom-used filters. And you want it to be super-quick and apply only to the list in front of you as a way to temporarily narrow down what you are seeing.
(The advanced saved filters can be useful for setting up custom lists for things that you want to look at very often.)
(And the feature mentioned by Wendy, i.e. inheriting filter criteria when creating tasks while looking at a filtered list can be quite elegant and useful. RTM does this.) -
12/30/2013 21:29#7
+1 for the ability to have Tasks inherit the Tags, and Contexts that are assigned to the Task's Project. This means Projects need to have Tags as well, so +1 for that too.
12/31/2013 10:04#8
@Folke @schollguin @khaberz
Thank you for your further information. We will consider this issue seriously. -
03/23/2014 16:22#9
+1 for inheriting of parent project's attributes, as well as projects having tags
+1 for area of responsibility. I almost didn't renew my pro membership because other services have this feature and it is highly desirable. -
10/31/2014 17:30#10
I strongly support the inheritance of parent project's attributes too
11/02/2014 05:36#11
Thank you for your feedback. We will take it into consideration. -
01/03/2015 16:40#12
+1, this is the missing feature that stops me moving to Doit.im!
03/17/2015 10:27#13
@wendy_only you can add some feedback system on their website so that users can add the features we would like to see on doit and you can have a reference of what users want.
03/17/2015 15:30#14
I hope the team service Look to implement this feature in Nirvana
It is very convenient to do Areas of Responsibility in the web version and mobile application
You can view all the areas (work, home, etc.) simultaneously or one by one. It is also convenient that the projects and tasks can be set at the same time two zones. Example: jogging in the morning - refers to the area of health and sports area -
03/18/2015 03:29#15
Thank you for your information. We will do a research on them. Thank you.
Best regards,
Doit.im Team