Title | Author | Latest Post |
Wrong reminder time in Android version | ezhikus |
bywendy_only |
Left side bar / menu disappeared | RomeeBrandenburg |
bywendy_only |
Synchronization issue | bgrinko |
bybgrinko |
windows app sync problem | Hike |
byimcici |
Late reminder | Laimonas |
byimcici |
Daily review showing same day every day | sgupt |
byimcici |
Inbox-Today Navigation Bug | JDavidCarr |
byimcici |
Is it possible that add in one more button for the things you have to check everyday? | sd309991 |
byimcici |
Editing completion date | OliLef |
byimcici |
I have paid for pro account but xannit access it. | tilmanbergt |
byimcici |
Different day and time | fedusha |
byimcici |
Android Doit.IM does not trigger reminders without starting the app after a restart | Amodo |
byimcici |
Mail adding doesn't work :( | aneczkadw |
bywendy_only |
Keyboard navigation shortcuts lacking or loose focus | egilhelland |
bywendy_only |
Upper and lowercase tags should be handled as equal | egilhelland |
bywendy_only |